Franklin Meadows - David Elya

David Elya at Two Doors Realty has helped many sellers and buyers in the Franklin Meadows neighborhood. Listings are updated regularly.
Don't worry if you don't see any currently listed here, I am working on obtaining new listings daily. If you would like a free analysis of your home, give me a call! 586-286-3283
Franklin Meadows Info
Franklin Meadows is a friendly subdivision of quality homes. Franklin Meadows Subdivision is situated in beautiful Shelby Township, Michigan.
President - Ed Fromm
Architectrual - Kyle Sinz
Treasurer - Sue Meagher
Newsletter - Mike Barton
Secretary - Karen Hebel
Franklin Meadows Homes for Sale:
No Active Listings Available in this community currently.Please check back as home listings change daily.
Documents: |
Franklin Meadows Plot Plan Map |
Franklin Meadows Bylaws |
Franklin Meadows Construction Application |
To find out more about Franklin Meadows and homes for sale in this area, contact me today at (586) 286-3283 or by email.